Carenomadinnen & The Limits of Europe - Doublefeature/ Thu 24.10.2024, 7pm

Doublefeature on Eastern European Labour Force
Carenomadinnen (Katarína Csányiová / AT / Slovakisch-Deutsch / 2021, 17`) Alle vierzehn Tage verlassen rund 20.000 Frauen aus der Slowakei ihr Heimatland, um in Österreich als Betreuerinnen in ausländischen Haushalten zu arbeiten. Was beschäftigt sie auf diesen langen Fahrten von zu Hause zur Arbeit und zurück? Was sind ihre Ängste und Träume? Carenomadinnen gibt einen Einblick in die Gefühls- und Gedankenwelt der Pflegerinnen während der langen Fahrten nach Hause und zur Arbeit.
The Limits of Europe (Apolena Rychlíková / Czech Republic, Slovakia, France/ 2024, 98´) A prominent Czech journalist leaves her family and joins “cheap labour force” in Western Europe. Undercover, she works at an asparagus farm in Germany, tries her hand as a maid at a hotel in Ireland and takes care of the elderly in France. She experiences first-hand the struggles of Eastern European low-wage workers whose sacrifice and hard work allow for the Western society’s comfort. What is the real price that Europe pays for exploiting its own citizens? How do the lives of economic migrants, who have been forced to leave their children and elderly parents, look like? And why are privileged Europeans looking the other way?
The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director Katarína Csányiová.
Cinemarkt is an event of Brunnenpassage in cooperation with Volxkino.
Image © Alina Matějová