Theater am Markt

Zed Zeldich Zed & Nina Sandino / Fr 15.12.2023, 19 Uhr

Zed Zeldich Zed: Rest is Resistance!
Nina Sandino: ELSEWHERE

Rest is Resistance!
Get ready for a worker-led meditation, because after all, the Drag King is there with you and he needs it. Rest is Resistance! What do we think today when talking about rest? Do we have the right to be lazy?

Zed Zeldich Zed is the first Drag King from the Balkans, who started appearing back in 2003, and has been giving lectures, workshops and coming to your dreams ever since. Zed now lives in Vienna.

Sound effects: Ah Ahilej / Photo credit: Marisel Bongola / Desing: Andrej Ostroški / Artistic support: Olga Dimitrijević


The abysses of one's own closet, the wild world of Fast Fashion's supply chains and its bizarre power relations between the global North and South.
Elsewhere plays with the need for new and old rituals while exploring the history of forced labor in the neoliberal world order and its roots in colonialism.

Credits: Performance: Nina Sandino / Musik: Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir / Mask: Marisel Bongola / Costume: Nina Sandino / Foto: Kollektiv Fishka
In close collaboration with: The Needles (Andrea Vezga Acevedo, Daniela Hernández, Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir and Nina Sandino)

Nina Sandino (she/they) is a Nicaraguan Architect and movement Artivist. Their work and practice focuses on the transmission of ancestral communal knowledge, and is moved by the urgency of artistic expression as a political action.


Im Anschluss DJ-Set: An integral part of REST is also to DANCE, that‘s why Zed Zeldich Zed engages your body in new vibrations, and as a DJ that evening leads you to real magic!

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