
Ladies Only (Rebana Liz John | Germany, India 2021 | 79 min.)

(Rebana Liz John | Germany, India 2021 | Hindi, Englisch, Marathi with English Subtitles | 79 min.)

A small film crew goes into the women's compartments of Mumbai's commuter trains. As an introduction, the filmmaker asks them the simple question, "What makes you angry?" In chance encounters, the women share their fears and hopes in this public yet protected space. Oscillating between combative announcements, sad stories, funny anecdotes and resignation, a female view of modern Indian society emerges. In glittering black and white and constantly in motion, LADIES ONLY paints a multifaceted portrait of modern Indian women whose rebellion and striving for freedom has far greater political implications beyond Mumbai's city limits.

The screening will be in attendance of the director Rebana Liz John and followed by an Q&A.

The screening takes place in cooperation with ethnocineca – International Documentary Film Festival Vienna 2023 (May 4th-11th). |

Cinemarkt is an event of Brunnenpassage in cooperation with Volxkino.

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