Theater am Markt

Performances “Lemniskate” & “On Class Matters” / Sat 24.9.2022

Workshop “Anti-Work Fair: The Deep Listening Care Manual” with Aleyda Rocha - ABGESAGT
Workshop Day 1 – Sat 24.9.2022, 19-20 pm / Workshop Day 2 – Sun 25.9.2022, 14-15 pm

This workshop is an invitation for protest, an act of voicing through the body, a form of listening with physical and discursive exercises in unproductivity and slowing down. In the participatory workshop the participants will follow 4 deep listening exercises followed by an activity in which each participants generates their own deep listening exercise - or in other words: their own manifesto on anti-work from their body stream.
Persons interested in participation can select one of the workshop days, due to a limited number of participants registration for the workshop is required at until 15.9.2022. The workshop will take place in English.


Performance “Lemniskate” von Shahrzad Nazarpour & Morteza Mohammadi
Sa 24.9.2022, 20.30-21 Uhr

In dieser Performance stellen Shahrzad Nazarpour und Morteza Mohammadi die Frage, wie das durch illegale und körperliche Arbeit entstandene Unwohlsein und die Wunden des Körpers, in das Potenzial von Bewegung, Tanz und gesprochenem Wort übersetzt werden können. Die Performance findet auf Deutsch und in Farsi statt.


Performance “On Class Matters” by Sheri Avraham
Sat 24.9.2022, 21.15-21.30 pm

In this performance artist, curator and theatre maker Sheri Avraham puts the every day challenges of working poor and working class artists and cultural worker into the spotlight. Sheri Avraham understands herself as a translator betweeen theory and practice, classes, religions, geographies and generations.


All events are barrier-free and child-friendly. Special assistance is available if requested until 5.9.2022, please write to: The events take place in the frame of the exhibition / performative event “Oikos ‘The House’”, a cooperation between Wien­woche and Brunnenpassage. Curated by Deniz Güvensoy & coordinated by Gabriela Urrutia Reyes.

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