Workshop - The Chance to Find Yourself

Workshop by Benno Steinegger and Jovial Mbenga / Fri 19.11.2021, 3pm - 6pm

Benno Steinegger and Jovial Mbenga have worked together on the performance “The Chance to Find Yourself”, a playful and process-oriented theatre-performance about racism, intercultural differences and identity. In the context of presenting the performance, they are additionally delivering a workshop for artists, cultural and social workers and everyone interested.

The workshop aims to be a possibility for the participants to get to know themselves and their unexpected connections to dominant power structures, discriminative and exclusive behaviours and to open up a possibility to change this in more inclusive and welcoming thoughts and behaviours - in brief to open up the heart to what could be perceived as “different”.

The workshop will be divided in two main parts: exercises of awareness, theatre- and meditation-exercise as well as the creation of a short theatrical scene.

Participation in the workshop is open to everyone interested - professionals as well as non-professionals. The workshop will be held in German and English. 

A 2G rule applies: vaccinated or recovered and additionally PCR-tested. Registration is requested at

The workshop will be held in German and English.

Also see performance "The Chance to find Yourself" Sat 20.11., 7pm at Brunnenpassage:

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